Autor Thema: member in Germany!  (Gelesen 34142 mal)

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« am: 25. 08. 2011, 23:01:44 »
Hey guys,

Thanks for the "English Spoken" thread ....I tried to send some private messages out ; but not sure if they made it out.

I am on travel in Germany from the USA and would like to meet up with some Tri-Chevy members and/or car shows this Friday or Saturday.  I am currently west of Mannheim, GE and will be flying out this Sunday from Frankfurt.  I have a rental car so I can drive about; limited only by the time in the day.

So, if anyone is available or knows of a show let me know.  I see there is one up in Kiel and in Berlin, but I think that is a stretch.  if you know of a member, give them a shout or pm.  I will be staying in Landstuhl, GE at the hotel until I get positive contact that someone can meet me or let me know where a show is.  postal codes work in the cars GPS; I don't do so well in spelling the cities :) Members met:

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Re: member in Germany!
« Antwort #1 am: 25. 08. 2011, 23:21:33 »
Hey BuDDii,

glad to have you here on

The only car show i now, that is Kiel. Kiel is round 550km/310.69 miles away from Mannheim.

You can travel this distance in 5 hours.

What kind of rental car did you have, is this a fast car?  ;D

As your Reminder: You can drive on the German Autobahn you fast you can ;D  ;) (Not in any section)

In case i can assist you more, let me now.
« Letzte Änderung: 26. 08. 2011, 09:27:03 von Mr.409 »
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If there's no tomorrow
Burn your paper wings and say goodbye


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Re: member in Germany!
« Antwort #2 am: 25. 08. 2011, 23:36:13 »
Howdy and welcome to this site  :)

From Mannheim to Kiel or Berlin ....uhhh ... actually with all the Autobahn-construction goin´ on I would say it will be more than a "strech"  :D guess it would be at least 7-7hour way ::)

The only meet close to Mannhein I found is here:

It´s about 10miles away from Mannheim City, a general US car event with 100year Chevrolet mainstream program.

Found it on this page here:

Well hope you enjoy(ed) good ol´Germany and her´s my profile at

If you need anymore help ... we´ll try to help,

Take care,

Have nice day, Arne

Get your kicks in a fifty-six


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Re: member in Germany!
« Antwort #3 am: 26. 08. 2011, 00:34:54 »

First car I rented back in May-June was a dog... Nissan Quastha (sp?), July-Aug I rented a Peugeot 508 SW and it was fairly fast.  Now I have a family version of the Golf and it takes a lot of time to get to 140 kph.

I am going to try to make it to Kiel to see the Tri Five Chevy Family.... it will be worth the travel. 

All I need now is the address, postal code for GPS and the times.  I am going to head out Friday, I just need to know when and where to go......


Hey BuDDii,

glad to have you here on

The only car show i now, that is Kiel. Kiel is round 550km/310.69 miles away from Mannheim.

You can travel this distance in 5 hours.

What kind of rental car did you have, is this a fast car?  ;D

Your Reminder: You can drive on the German Autobahn you fast you can ;D  ;) (Not in any section)

In case i can assist you more, let me now.


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Re: member in Germany!
« Antwort #4 am: 26. 08. 2011, 07:15:21 »
Welcome to the Tri-Fives in Germany ;-)

I hope you have fun here...  and in Germany...

That's the funny thing with rentals...  when I spent vacations in the USA, they always wanted to give me a Japanese car...
And don't understand, that I refuse, and ask for a Chevy...  (Was the 2010 Camaro on Christmas..   ;D )
Unfortunally, here in Germany they don't know much about customer care, but they give you something more "Funny", if you go on their nerves...  ;-)

The good thing:  Yes, there are 2 meetings tomorrow...  the one in Kiel is the annual Meeting of this Board...  
And the other one near Berlin is on "Castle Diedersdorf"... where I think I'll take a look, if the rain here ever stops...

Have a good Trip and maybe we meet here...  I live 1 mile from Berlin...
(And you can find me here on

Cheers, Tom

P.S.:  The PM arrived ;)  
« Letzte Änderung: 26. 08. 2011, 07:22:54 von Tom »
More on (my) 57 Two-Ten....  and more on Tom on Facebook .


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Re: member in Germany!
« Antwort #5 am: 26. 08. 2011, 08:22:57 »
Hey 57BUDDii,

we would love to have you in Kiel, but would understand, if you decide to go to Berlin.......
here is the adress for the TriFive meeting in Kiel (actually is close to Kiel .....10 miles away from Kiel)  just in case you are using a navigation device while you drive : Street name : Kronsberg 27   
Town : Altenholz-Klausdorf........ the navigation device should "eat"  just Altenholz  or use the Zip Code  24161

If you need further informations  call me until tonight on my land line  +49 40 8701867   or cell    +49 172 4104261
I live in Hamburg will be on my way on Saturday morning.

If you need assistance to find a hotel in Hamburg (form here it´s only a 1 hour  15 minutes drive) let me know and we find something......
es grüßt



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Re: member in Germany!
« Antwort #6 am: 26. 08. 2011, 11:13:01 »

Thanks for the info.  If I need assistance along the way, I will call you and see if you can advise.
I am not making as much progress in leaving as I thought, so need to get on the road.  I should be in Kiel area by 8-9pm tonight.

I will have to leave Saturday; early evening and drive to Frankfurt to catch plan on Sunday.

See you all there soon!

Belair 66

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Re: member in Germany!
« Antwort #7 am: 26. 08. 2011, 11:51:47 »
drive carefully
Gruß Andre


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Re: member in Germany!
« Antwort #8 am: 07. 04. 2017, 21:48:26 »
I'm Back!!!   I'm in Landsthul tonight and check out of my hotel on Saturday (8 April 17) morning and start driving north by northwest.

Nothing is in stone and I'm not booking hotels this weekend so I can stay flexible. Here is what I am thinking while looking at a map. All depends on who is available.

Saturday: Stuttgart, Heidelberg, Mannheim, Koblenz, Bonn, Cologne, Dusseldorf.

Sunday: Eindhoven, Tiburg, Breda ... (I only know these town names because Hans (townsman0) drove me all over The Netherlands once. I think we had a 12 hour day and he had to drive from the coast to Eindhoven. It was after midnight and he probably didn't get any sleep before going to work. I was a great time!!)\

Monday: Head Belgium Antwerp, Brussel and Mons.

Let me know if you are available..

I will check my messages in the morning.  Not sure if I will get wifi to check during the day.



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Re: member in Germany!
« Antwort #9 am: 07. 04. 2017, 22:20:12 »
Hi Buddii
when you dont get any offer from a Tri Five Member, check Airbnb for a local Host in Germany
Make some paper wings and learn to fly
If there's no tomorrow
Burn your paper wings and say goodbye


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Re: member in Germany!
« Antwort #10 am: 07. 04. 2017, 23:16:46 »
Hi Buddii
when you dont get any offer from a Tri Five Member, check Airbnb for a local Host in Germany

Thanks for the link... I checked out some places in some small towns.  I will just drive and find a hotel to stop at before night fall.  Find a nice local place to eat; they are the best!


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Re: member in Germany!
« Antwort #11 am: 08. 04. 2017, 08:41:14 »
Hi 57Buddii,

welcome back.......
soory to say that, but I am in Spain til April 20th for a Skydiving event.....
so I am not in Germany.......
would have loved to meet you.......

be safe and have fun on your trip.....
es grüßt



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Re: member in Germany!
« Antwort #12 am: 08. 04. 2017, 09:10:39 »
Hi 57Buddii,

welcome back.......
soory to say that, but I am in Spain til April 20th for a Skydiving event.....
so I am not in Germany.......
would have loved to meet you.......

be safe and have fun on your trip.....

Sorry I missed you too.  Enjoy your trip and be safe.  I hope to catch up with you one day.  Preferably on the ground!



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Re: member in Germany!
« Antwort #13 am: 08. 04. 2017, 14:34:37 »
Hi BUDDii,

welcome back to Germany. If you're still looking for something interesting in and around Düsseldorf, here are two links.
1. This weekend is Techno Classica in Essen "World Show for Vintage, Classic and Prestige Automobiles, Motorsport, Motorcycles, Spare Parts, Restauration and World Club Meeting "
2. In Düsseldorf you also have the Classic Remise

We're unfortunately quite booked this weekend. Otherwise we could have met again after almost 6 years!

And: don't forget to keep the keys to your rental car in your pocket  ;) ;D

Have a good time!

Andreas, Ursula, Miriam and Alexandra

(if you don't remember me, I was the guy with the babygirl in Kiel)
« Letzte Änderung: 08. 04. 2017, 15:14:56 von AndreasK »


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Re: member in Germany!
« Antwort #14 am: 08. 04. 2017, 15:51:49 »
Sorry you are booked up. I understand. I'm just west of Koln right now.
I do remember you guys. I stopped to check to see if you guys saw my message before I got too far north.

I'll be back in June so I will try to let everyone know when I'm free.

Hope to see you, Ursula and the family again.  Key check good! I travel with a hammer just in case LOL!

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