Welcome to the Tri-Fives in Germany ;-)
I hope you have fun here... and in Germany...
That's the funny thing with rentals... when I spent vacations in the USA, they always wanted to give me a Japanese car...
And don't understand, that I refuse, and ask for a Chevy... (Was the 2010 Camaro on Christmas..

Unfortunally, here in Germany they don't know much about customer care, but they give you something more "Funny", if you go on their nerves... ;-)
The good thing: Yes, there are 2 meetings tomorrow... the one in Kiel is the annual Meeting of this Board...
And the other one near Berlin is on "Castle Diedersdorf"... where I think I'll take a look, if the rain here ever stops...
Have a good Trip and maybe we meet here... I live 1 mile from Berlin...
(And you can find me here on Tri-Five.com:
Cheers, Tom
P.S.: The PM arrived